Agribusiness and the allied supply chains in developing and emerging economies are facing twin challenges: first, feeding their own populations and second, the integration of their supply chains with global food markets in light of the burgeoning open international market regime. There is no denying that opportunities for agribusiness in developing and emerging countries are plenty in the global market, yet small and marginal farmers face huge challenges in harnessing these opportunities. Agribusiness in these countries plays a critical role in the livelihoods and well-being of a large segment of the population, the growth of new and established organizations, and the economic vitality of their respective economies..
During the Rio 20+ summit, United Nations Security Council attracted the world’s attention towards one billion hungry people and initiated the Zero Hunger Challenge by urging all stakeholders of agricultural supply chains—governments, farmers, businesses, scientists, civil society, and consumers to work together and develop inclusive and sustainable food systems to eliminate food waste and ensure food security (United Nations, 2012).
This conference aims to bring together scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders from around the world to present and share their original research and expertise on agribusiness in the developing and emerging economies. The conference will cover a broad spectrum of themes, methodologies, and research approaches including empirical, conceptual, review, and case studies.
Prof. Balraj Kumar Sikka
Director, GlobalAgriSystem, New Delhi
Dr. Bimal Arora
Chairperson, Centre for Responsible
Business (CRB)
Mr. John Dore
Senior Water Resources Specialist for Australia’s
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ms. J.V. Meenakshi
Faculty of the Delhi School of Economics,
University of Delhi
Mr. K.Sivakumar
Arthur Tauck Chair and Professor of Marketing
Lehigh University
Dr. Marek Wosinski
President of the Global Network for Sustainable
Development (GNSD)
Dr. Nanda P. Joshi
Assistant Professor Department of Animal
Dr. Pramod K. Joshi
Director for South Asia, International Food Policy
Research Institute.
Dr. Raju
DGM-cum-Head of Department (Environment) of
Bharat Coking Coal Ltd
Dr. Raka Saxena
Principal Scientist at ICAR-National Institute for
Agricultural Economics and Policy Research
Dr. K Rathnam
Managing Director
Amul, Anand
Mr. S. P. Raj
Chair of the marketing department and
Distinguished Professor at the Whitman School
of Management.
Dr. Sudha Raj
Director of Graduate Programs in the Nutrition
Science and Dietetics Program
Mr. Tara Nath Pande
Team leader, Evaluation Team, Final Evaluation
of Earthquake Response Programme, Oxfam in
Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra
Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research
and Education & Director General, Indian Council
of Agricultural Research
Mr. Tushar Pandey
Sr. President and Country Head at Public and
Social Policy Management Group, YES Bank,
New Delhi
Mr. Vijayaraghavan
Chairman of Sathguru Management Consultants
Private Limited
TERI SAS was conceived to cater to the need of disseminating the vast reservoir of knowledge created by TERI, a not-for-profit, independent research institute recognized globally for its contribution to scientific and policy research in the realms of energy, environment, and sustainable development. It offers Master’s and Doctoral programmes in the disciplines of Law, Public Policy, Business Sustainability, Climate Science, Environmental Studies, Geoinformatics, Biotechnology, Water Science, Renewable Energy and Urban Development. It has been recognized globally for its contribution to scientific and policy research.
The Martin J. Whitman School of Management
The Martin J. Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University was established in 1919 and became the 16th business school in the nation to be accredited by the AACSB in 1920. Today, the School includes programs in accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, management, marketing, realestate, retail management and supply chain management, and is home to nearly 2,000 doctoral, masters, and undergraduate students.
The South Asia Center
The South Asia Center—a part of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs—in the Maxwell School at Syracuse University is a United States Department of Education National Resource Center. The Center participates in collaboration with Cornell University to form a consortium with a focus on the research and scholarship of the countries in the South Asia region.
Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
The Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies (JADEE) is the only academic journal of excellence solely dedicated to agribusiness and related issues in developing and emerging economies. The journal publishes double-blind, peer reviewed research on issues relevant to agriculture and food value chain in emerging economies in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. JADEE was launched in 2011 with an exceptional editorial board.
Dr. Leena Srivastava,
Vice Chancellor,
Co-chair, Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Business Sustainability,TERI SAS, Delhi and Associate Editor, JADEE
Founding Editor of JADEE,
Distinguished Professor, Syracuse University, New York
Advisory Committee
Shri A K Garg
Managing Director
Agriculture Finance Corporation
Dr Ajit Kumar
Former Director
National Institute for Food Technology and Entrepreneurship Management,
Sonepat, Haryana
Dr Arabinda Mishra
Senior social scientist (Livelihoods)
Dr Arvind Kapur
Vegetable Seed Division, Rasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd, Gurgaon
Dr Ashok Gulati
Distinguished Fellow, ICRIER
Former Chairman of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, GOI
Dr B K Sikka
Global Agrisystems,
New Delhi
Prof. David Cahill
Associate Dean
Faculty of Science Eng & Built Environment
Deakin University, Australia
Dr C S Sanwal (IFS)
Divisional Forest Officer
Forest Department, Government of Uttarakhand
Dr Gokul Patnaik
Global Agrisystems, New Delhi
Dr. Marek Wosinski
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Psychology
Coordinator, Global Network for Sustainable Development (GNSD)
Senior Sustainability Scientist, Global Institute of Sustainability
Arizona State University
Dr J V Meenakshi
Department of Economics, University of Delhi, New Delhi
Dr Julie Niederhoff
Assistant Professor
Syracuse University, New York
Dr K Rathnam
Managing Director
Amul Dairy, Anand, Gujarat
Dr K Sivakumar
Lehigh University, Pennsylvania
Mr K Vijay Raghavan
Satguru Management Consultants, New Delhi
Mr. Kamal Singh
Executive Director
UN Global Compact Network India
Dr MV Durga Prasad
Institute of Rural Management (IRMA), Anand, Gujarat
Dr Nanda Joshi
Director(International Program)
College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, Michigan
Dr P S Vijayshankar
Research Director
Samaj Pragati Sahyog, Dewas, Madhya Pradesh
Dr Poornima Varma
Assistant Professor
Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad, Gujarat
Dr Pramod K Joshi
Director for South Asia
International Food Policy Research Institute, New Delhi
Mr Rajesh Kumar Sinha
MD and CEO
NCDEX eMarkets Ltd.
Dr S P Singh
Tennesse State University
Mr Shamal Khan
Afghan Agroservices, Afghanistan
Dr Stéphane Ingrand
French National Institute for Agricultural Research
Dr Steven Haggblade
Michigan State University, Michigan
Dr Subrat Sharma
Head(Climate Change)
G B Pant national institute of himalayan environment and development , Almora, Uttarakhand
Dr Sudha Raj
Associate Professor
Department of Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition, Syracuse University, New York
Dr Tara Nath Pandey
Environmental Services Administrator
Global Forum of Agricultural Research and Food Security, Nepal
Dr Thomas Reardon
Distinguished Faculty
Michigan State University, Michigan
Mr Tushar Pandey
Sr. President and Country Head
Public and Social Policy Management Group, YES Bank, New Delhi
Mr Vivek Voora
Economic Law & Policy and Water Programs, International Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada
We thank you all for the overwhelming support to this conference. Based on the request from a number of prospective participants, we are pleased to extend the last date for submissions. Those who missed the previous deadline may please send their abstracts at the earliest possible. We look forward to meeting you all in New Delhi.
Conference Organizing Committee
Dr Sapna A Narula, Co-chair, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Business and Sustainability, TERI SAS, Delhi and Associate Editor, JADEE
Dr S P Raj, Co-chair, Editor JADEE, Distinguished Professor, Syracuse University, New York
Dr Sukanya Das, Assistant Professor, TERI SAS
Dr Chubamenla Jamir, Assistant Professor, TERI SAS
Conference Coordinators
Anushree Poddar , Senior Research Fellow, TERI SAS
Devender Samant , Senior Research Fellow, TERI SAS
Muneer Ahmad , Senior Research Fellow, TERI SAS
Call for Papers
Scholars, practitioners, and policymakers from around the world are invited to submit original research papers based on the themes given in theme section. The following are illustrative of the scope of the conference and are not meant to be exhaustive.
• Climate change and agribusiness
• Managing food and agribusiness firms including cooperatives
• Public policy issues in agribusiness
• Marketing, distribution, and retailing in agribusiness
• Value chains and strategic alliances
• Agricultural finance, insurance, and risk management
• Information and communication technologies in agribusiness
• Supply chains in agribusiness
• Food and nutritional security and its implications in agribusiness
• Agribusiness education
• Gender issues in agribusiness
• Sustainable consumption and production (including sustainable standards)
• Innovations in agribusiness
• Rural development and agribusiness
• Agribusiness and ecosystem services
• Sustainability and corporate social responsibility
• Sustainable agriculture
• Food-water-energy nexus
Abstract Submission
Authors who wish to present their research at the conference must submit the following: title of the paper, names, affiliations and emails of authors, extended abstract of 500 words, and 4–5 keywords in Times New Roman font size 12, single spaced. Email id and contact number of corresponding author should be given as a footnote. Suggestions for writing the abstract are available at:
Click here to submit the abstract.
All accepted abstracts will be published online. Acceptance of abstracts implies the work will be presented in the conference and at least one author will register and attend the conference.
Paper Submission
Authors whose abstracts have been accepted may submit a full-length paper if they wish to have their papers further considered for possible publication by JADEE. Papers may be revised and submitted after presenting and receiving feedback at the conference. Guidelines for submitting the full paper: Download
For Full paper submission kindly email us at:
Experienced Scholars will be peer mentors and give one-on-one guidance to early career faculty and doctoral students who submit a full-length paper. In addition, a session will be held during the conference focusing on the process of conducting impactful research and enhancing the skill set of emerging researchers. Notification of Peer Mentoring: November 30, 2017.
- Submitted papers to JADEE may publish in the journal subject to double blind peer review process.
- Conference proceedings will be complied as a book and also made available in CD.
Registration Details
Deadline |
Early Bird till 31stOctober 2017 |
Registration fee after 31stOctober 2017 |
Delegates – India, South Asia and other emerging economies |
3,000 (INR) |
4,000 (INR) |
Students – India, South Asia and other emerging economies |
1,000(INR) |
1,500 (INR) |
Delegates – International |
US $ 150 |
US $ 200 |
Students – International |
US $ 50 |
US $ 75 |