

Art is something that makes one breathe with a different kind of happiness. Something that leaves our hearts warm with joy and opens us to extend ourselves in the limitless space of creativity.

Media and Arts Club aims to offer a supportive platform for every kind of art form that every person possesses and helps them to stand out.

We are a group of enthusiasts bunch of TERIians who believe everyone expresses themselves with some of the other forms of art and we urge all to come up to showcase their talents via our various social media platforms and a number of competitions. Hence, providing everyone with a platform and sportsmanship spirit.

We not only support the plethora of art forms but also fully support each member of the TERI SAS family and accept everyone for who they are.

We believe that a true community is not just about being geographically close to someone or part of the same web network, it is about feeling connected and belonging.

We believe everyone plays a crucial role.

Hence acceptance, creativity, and ever-evolving are what we strive for.

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