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Blueprint development for Navi Mumbai urban planning exhibition center

Student name: Mr Rohit Sadaphal
Guide: Dr Shaleen Singhal
Year of completion: 2015
Host Organisation: The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI), Navi Mumbai
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Anajali Parasnis
Abstract: Navi Mumbai is a planned city on western coast of India, it was formed due to increasing pressure and congestion on Greater Mumbai. Navi Mumbai has been planned and developed by CIDCO whereas major urban services are rendered by Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation to manage city solid waste, water supply, waste water, sewage, health care and other municipal functions. The city is blessed with coastal biodiversity and natural endowments like wetlands which sequestrate carbon from the air. But, this planned city also concerns related to management and utilization of resources efficiently by citizens. The corporation faces acute of effective communication with citizens on a long term to make them understand delivery of services to them and resource constraints along with it. Navi Mumbai being a hotspot for service industry, the residents here mainly are working professionals, industrialist and traditionally land bearing farmers, fishermen. In such state to engage them with the city planning and management process, Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation has proposed an exhibition center with city model and other components that will sensitize and enable citizens to understand their role as stakeholders in efficiently managing the urban services. This exhibition center will also in capacity building of municipal officials, urban planners, engineers, architects, developers to aid future planning of project and management of existing services. The project report presents they key components of exhibition center, case studies of existing models in different cities, stakeholders participation and a service blueprint for design and execution of this exhibition center.

Keywords: Urban Planning, Stakeholders Participation, Blueprint Design, Urban Exhibition Center, Eco City