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Reviewing the environmental policies influencing GHG emissions in the BRICS countries: a comparative study of GHG emissions

Student name: Ms Divya Angelina Sunder
Guide: Dr Chubamenla Jamir
Year of completion: 2016
Host Organisation: VNV Advisory, Bangalore
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Sandeep Roy Choudhry
Abstract: Global initiatives on Climate action, are only as effective as a nations attempt to make these initiatives a reality. In preparation for the COP21, 196 countries provided Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, stating their personal targets with regard to Green House Gas Emission reduction, Forestry and Energy, major factors contributing towards climate change. The result of these goals will only be seen by 2030, but the probability of nations achieving their goals can be determined in the present. This study aims to review the INDC’s submitted by the BRICS nations, the fastest growing developing economies today, and explore the targets they have set and identify the possibility for each of these nations to achieve their targets, and if not, the factors prohibiting them from their goals. The study attempts to review Environmental and Climate laws published by the BRICS nations, the treaties and agreements they have ratified and the GHG emission trends from 3 select sectors- Agriculture, Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry, and Energy – from 1990 to 2015, in an attempt to identify the success of their policies in the past. Using this information along with a PESTLE analysis to asses the nations situation - based on Politics, Economy, Social development, Technology, Laws & policies and environment, - and linear trend projections - of past GHG emissions, - emission rates for the next 20 years are determined, along with the probability of each BRICS nation meeting its 2030 INDC targets.

Key words: INDC’s, BRICS, GHG Emissions, Agriculture & Land Use, Energy.