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Facillitation of energy conservation projects for state designated agency, Odisha

Student name: Mr Bindusagar
Guide: Mr Amit Kumar
Year of completion: 2016
Host Organisation: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)- Project Management Unit (PMU), Bhubaneswar
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Pradeep Kumar
Abstract: This project describes the preparation of action plans & reports, interaction with other government departments / organizations, identification of opportunity in promoting energy conservation. Implementing and monitoring support for different energy efficiency projects and for effective utilization of State Energy Conservation Fund. Out of which, implementation process of the Odisha Energy Conservation Building Code (OECBC) has been initiated phase wise. Also, facilitating Investment Grade Energy Audit of Government buildings and Educational institutions of the state is a major responsibility. Adding to it, verifying and documenting Capacity Avoidance and Energy Savings Realized is done to finalize the Energy Audit reports submitted by the Energy Auditors. It also includes exploring new areas for energy conservation potentials in Odisha.

Key words: Energy Audit, Energy Conservation Building Code, Energy conservation, Energy Efficiency, Capacity Avoidance