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Whole building energy simulation and impact of various energy conservation measures on energy savings

Student name: Mr E Rajendra Bhargava
Guide: Dr Naqui Anwer
Year of completion: 2016
Host Organisation: GreenTree Building Energy Pvt. Ltd.
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Vamshi Ranga
Abstract: With the increasing population and urbanization, buildings are being constructed at great pace. Buildings are consuming a huge amount of energy. To reduce this and building’s impact on environment, green building concept is introduced. Rating systems for these buildings are introduced. As there are different rating systems, it is important to understand the procedure they incur to calculate the energy consumption of the building and how they calculate the energy saving for the building.

The major rating systems adopted in India are LEED, IGBC & GRIHA. The energy credits in all these rating systems involve a building simulation to be carried out and find the energy savings in the building. . This project focuses on how to carry out the building energy simulation using eQUEST and energy saving measures. A commercial LEED project has been used to study the impact of various components of the building on energy savings. The software used in performing the simulation is eQUEST. The baseline model of the building has modeled as per Appendix G of AHRAE 90.1 2007(as specified in LEED CS). The proposed case of the building has been modeled without any energy conservation measures and the savings was found to be 5.79 % (compared to the baseline model). Each energy conservation measures (Envelope, lighting & HVAC) in further simulations have been implemented step by step to achieve an overall savings of 37.45%.

Keywords: LEED, IGBC, GRIHA, Green Building, Energy Simulation
17th Convocation: 5th March 2025
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