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Wake modelling

Student name: Mr Parikshith S Gargyan
Guide: Mr Sapan Thapar
Year of completion: 2016
Host Organisation: WinDForce Management Services Pvt. Ltd
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Deepshikha Sharma
Abstract: This project is all about conducting wind resource assessment analysis on various sites in India using windforcer software and ultimately compare the results with that generated from the industry benchmark windfarmer software. The comparison is basically done because windforcer is relatively new and technical aspects of the software have to be totally verified in order to popularize the product and start publicizing its benefits in the market.

But the main motive of my project in the beginning was to analyse various parameters of a wind power project that could play a key role in determining the profitability quotient of a complete project. Down the line when comparisons were made between the two softwares, there arose a necessity to find out where windforcer was lagging to make modifications to the windforcer in order to match its results to that simulated through windfarmer. In house windforcer is gradually gaining reputation in the wind industry and it was very important to make it glitch free. So this thesis contains an elaborate introduction on the windforcer software and its operation followed by where corrections had to be made to the software. Then four sample site data have been simulated on the software to compare the results with that of windfarmers. Site analysis also contains a financial model to justify the purpose of working on this project. Then the rectification of the technical glitch in the software was the research and development task I was a part of.
17th Convocation: 5th March 2025
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