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Integration of cold thermal energy storage in deep freezer for vaccine storage

Student name: Mr Parikshit Tyagi
Guide: Dr Som Mondal
Year of completion: 2017
Host Organisation: TERI University
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Mr Abhinav Bhaskar
Abstract: THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE is a widely uses now a days in industries in the form of heat as well as cold, our thesis tiled as Integration Of Cold Thermal Energy Storage In Deep Freezer For Vaccine Storage, is primarily focus on the cold storage, in vaccine storage the major concern in rural area is electricity supply and in semi-urban area concern of fluctuation of energy supply from grid.

With the help of cold thermal energy storage we would bridge the gap of energy availability with the help of solar PV and for vaccine storage Phase Change material is helpful, the discharging characteristics of Phase Change Material developed experimentally would validate in saying so.

In semi urban area the energy fluctuation is high, so with the help of cold thermal energy storage, we are able to maintain the temperature constant which benefits the vaccine storage during electricity fluctuation.