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Isolation and characterization of algae for value added biopigments

Student name: Ms Shivani Chauhan
Guide: Dr Chaithanya Madhurantakam
Year of completion: 2019
Host Organisation: The Energy and Resource Institute, New Delhi
Supervisor (Host Organisation): Dr Sanjukta Subudhi

Microalgae have been recently considered for most of the studies worldwide, due to their major applications in the field of renewable energy, biopharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries and economical sources of biofuels, bioactive medicinal products, and food ingredients. Several microalgae species have been examined for their potential as value-added products with remarkable pharmacological and biological qualities. The most widely studied algal pigment is carotenoid. There are many different forms of carotenoids such as astaxanthin, carotene, luteins, etc. These pigments have their own advantages for example, carotenoids can be used for cardiovascular diseases, luteins can be used for mascular degeneracy. Microalgae have already been used as source of protein as it contains 50-60% protein of its total biomass.

In this study water samples were collected from various sources for isolation of algal strain, for the extraction of value added biopigment. Purification was carried out by serial dilution and streak plate method. Microscopic characterization of purified isolate designated as SCM 01 was shown similarity with Chloeralla sp. Further study with strains SCM 01 was carried out to analyze the presence of various bio-pigments and biomolecules. Toinvestigate these molecules, batch study in 1litre scale was conducted. Samples were analyzed for growth pattern, pH, Caratenoid, protein and chlorophyll content. Study revealedthat under optimized condition, 5days of incubation produce 5.89g/L of wet biomass and caratenoid production was 0.64μg/g of wet biomass. Similarly chlorophyll, proteins and carbohydrate content observed after late log phase was 126.38μg/g, 29.33μg and 213μg per gram of wet biomass respectively.

KEYWORDS: Microalgae, Biomass, Chlorophyll, Carotenoid, Protein,