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Energy efficiency, consumer awareness and choice: a study in Delhi

Student name: Mr Kunal Singh
Guide: Prof Kanchan Chopra
Year of completion: 2013
Host Organisation: TERI University

Abstract: The Bureau of Energy Efficiency introduced energy efficiency labeling programme with an objective to reduce the energy intensity of Indian economy. The energy label provides information on energy efficiency of an appliance and associated cost savings which helps consumers to overcome the barrier of information deficit. The effectiveness of this programme depends on two outcomes. First is the awareness of energy efficiency ratings and second is the choice to purchase an energy efficient appliance. Using primary data of 121 households of Delhi, the study jointly estimates household‟s awareness of energy efficiency ratings and choice of energy efficient appliance. The result for three household consumer appliances shows that household‟s demographic characteristics have a positive effect on both the outcomes. Both smaller and younger households show higher response towards choice of energy efficient appliance. Interestingly, the result shows that affluent households are less likely to choose an appliance with higher energy efficiency ratings. A cluster level spillover of knowledge of energy efficiency rating is likely to increase a household‟s awareness of energy efficiency ratings.