Prof. Arun Kansal received PhD from IIT, Delhi after completing M.Tech and B.Tech in Civil Engineering. He has about 24 years of research/consultancy/teaching experience in the areas of environmental engineering, water resource management, waste management with focus on resource recovery and recycling, urban environment, and energy- environment - climate linkages. he received Best Teacher award from GGS Indraprastha University, New Delhi; Best Research Paper award from Indian Water Works Association, and Roll of Honor by TERI. He had been a visiting Professor (as ICCR Chair Professor from Government of India) to Freie University, Berlin, Germany during 2010-11, an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham, UK (2011-14), Visiting Professor at the University of Derby, UK in Department of Natural Sciences (2015-2018) and Key Technology Partner Visiting Fellow at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. He had also served as a Lead Author for IPCC 5th Assessment Report WGIII. He has successfully completed projects amounting to more than INR 30 crore as Principle Investigator and in addition worked as Co-PI or core team member in several other projects. Many of his projects have international collaboration. Significant recent successes are securing a grant of USD 1.2 million from Coca-Cola Foundation, Atlanta for establishing Water Department at TERI SAS and a project of INR 425 Lakhs on Water and Sanitation from USAID.
- Kusum, L., Kansal, A., Balakrishnan, M., Kishore, V. V. N., 2002, Assessment of biomethanation potential of selected industrial organic effluents in India, Journal of Resources, Conservation and Recycling Vol. 35 : 146-161
- Kansal A, Khare M, and Sharma C S, 2011, Air quality modeling study to analyse the impact of the World Bank emission guidelines for thermal power plants in Delhi, Journal of Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol. 2(1): 99-105
- Sharma D, Kansal A., 2013, Assessment of river quality models: a review, Journal Reviews Environmental Science and Biotechnology, Vol. 12(3): 285-311
- Jasrotia S, Kansal A and Kishore V V N., 2014 , Arsenic phyco-remediation by cladophora algae and measurement of organic speciation and location of active absorption site using electron microscopy, Microchemical Journal, 114-197
- Shivakshi J, Kansal A, V V N Kishore, 2012, Application of solar energy for water supply and sanitation in Arsenic affected rural areas: a study for Kaudikasa village, India, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 37: 389-393
- Gupta, S., Mohan, K., Prasad, R., Kansal, A., 1998, Solid waste management in India: Options and opportunities, Resource Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 24(2): 137-154
- Singh P. and Kansal A*, 2016 Energy and GHG accounting for wastewater infrastructure, Resource Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 128: 499-507
- Singh P., Kansal A., Marque C.C., 2015 Energy and carbon footprints of sewage treatment methods, Journal of Environment Management , Vol. 165: 22-30
- Ghosh R, Kansal A* and Aghi S, 2016, Implications of end-user behaviour in response to deficiencies in water supply for electricity consumption 'a case study of Delhi', Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 536: 400-408
- Visiting Professor in Natural Sciences, University of Derby, United Kingdom (2015-18).
- Lead Author IPCC AR5 WGIII.
- Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (2011-14).
- Roll of Honor for Research by TERI, New Delhi in 2011-12.
- ICCR Chair Professor to Freie University, Berlin, Germany (October 2010 - Feb 2011).
- TREE fellowship from Renewables Academy, Germany, for course on Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency for Decision Makers.
- I S Kenchareddy prize from `Indian Water Works Association¿ for publication of best research paper in the year 1996.
- Best Teacher Award from GGS Indraprastha University in recognition of dedicated & outstanding services towards promoting the cause of teaching profession during the year 2000-2001.