Dr Pritha Datta is an Assistant Professor with a Ph.D. from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. Her research primarily centers on climate change, food security, and human-environment interactions, emphasizing the development of adaptation strategies for communities vulnerable to climate impacts. Additionally, she is dedicated to teaching, specializing in environmental studies, disaster management, and research methodology, driven by her commitment to tackling pressing global issues.
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1. Datta, P., Behera, B., and Rahut, D.B., 2023. Climate Change and Water-related Threats in the Indian Sundarbans: Food Security and Management Implications. International Journal of Water Resources Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2023.2224459.
2. Datta, P. and Behera, B., 2022. Factors Influencing the Feasibility, Effectiveness, and Sustainability of Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in The Indian Eastern Himalayan Foothills. Environmental Management, 70(6), pp.911- 925.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-022-01724-6.
3. Datta, P. and Das, S., 2022. Assessing the consistency of trends in Indian summer monsoon rainfall. Hydrological Sciences Journal, https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2022.2081507.
4. Das, S., Datta, P., Sharma, D. and Goswami, K., 2022. Trends in Temperature, Precipitation, Potential Evapotranspiration, and Water Availability across the Teesta River Basin under 1.5 and 2° C Temperature Rise Scenarios of CMIP6. Atmosphere, 13(6), p.941.https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13060941.
5. Datta, P., Behera, B., and Rahut, D.B., 2022. Climate Change and Indian Agriculture: A Systematic Review of Farmers’ Perception, Adaptation, and Transformation. Environmental Challenges, p.100543. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2022.100543.
6. Datta, P. and Behera, B., 2022. Do farmers perceive climate change clearly? An analysis of meteorological data and farmers’ perceptions in the sub-Himalayan West Bengal, India. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 13(5), pp.2188- 2204.https://doi.org/10.2166/wcc.2022.058.
7. Datta, P. and Behera, B., 2022. Assessment of adaptive capacity and adaptation to climate change in the farming households of Eastern Himalayan foothills of West Bengal, India. Environmental Challenges, 7, p.100462.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2022.100462.
8. Datta, P. and Behera, B., 2021. What caused smallholders to change farming practices in the era of climate change? Empirical evidence from Sub-Himalayan West Bengal, India. GeoJournal, pp.1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-021-10450-1.
9. Datta, P. and Bose, S., 2020. Assessing the changes in climate extremes over Karbi Anglong district of Assam, North-East India. Spatial Information Research, 28(5), pp.547-558. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41324-020-00312-2.
10. Datta, P. and Das, S., 2021. Model-based strategic planning for strengthening mushroom entrepreneurship: insights from a sub-Himalayan Region of West Bengal, India. GeoJournal, 86(1), pp.145-158.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-019-10063-9.
- An honorarium of US$500 was awarded by the Asian Development Bank Institute for participating in the conference Environmental Challenges and Agricultural Sustainability in Asia: Interlinkages and future implications.
- The Institute Research Fellowship for pursuing Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
- UGC Junior Research Fellowship Award, 2017; No. F. 15-6(JAN. 2017)/2017(NET).
- Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship for University Rank Holder for the Year 2013-2015; No. F. 5- 1/2013-15/ URH-2013-2015-6579/(SA-III).
- Post-Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child (2013-2015); No. F. 8- 1/2013/SGC-GEN-2013-14966/(SA-III) SGC.
- University Silver Medal for securing second position in First Class in Geography in the Bachelor of Arts with Honours Examination, 2013, conducted by the University of North Bengal.