TERI SAS lays great emphasis on disseminating knowledge created by its research to a wide range of audience through its research papers authored by TERI SAS researchers for peer-reviewed journals, books, and conference proceedings and information briefs.
Total number of Publications: 795
Dynamics of fluoroquinolones induced resistance in DNA gyrase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Pandey B., Grover S., Tyagi C., Goyal S., Jamal S., Singh A., Kaur J., Grover A., 2018
Energy and GHG accounting for wastewater infrastructure
Singh P., Kansal A., 2018
Inherent vulnerability assessment of rural households based on socio-economic indicators using categorical principal component analysis: A case study of Kimsar region, Uttarakhand
Rajesh, S., Jain, S., Sharma, P., 2018
Perception-based evidences for climate change policies.
Chakraborty, A, Shukla, R, Kamna Sachdeva and Joshi, P. K., 2018
Impact of regional climate change and future emission scenarios on surface O3 and PM2.5 over India
Matthieu Pommier, Hilde Fagerli, Michael Gauss, David Simpson, Sumit Sharma, Vinay Sinha, Sachin D. Ghude, Oskar Landgren, Agnes Nyiri, and Peter Wind, 2018
Aspartate-?-semialdeyhyde dehydrogenase as a potential therapeutic target of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv: Evidence from in silico elementary mode analysis of biological network model
Saif Khan,Pallavi Somvanshi,Tulika Bhardwaj,Raju K. Mandal,Sajad A. Dar,Mohd Wahid,Arshad Jawed, Mohtashim Lohani,Mahvish Khan,Mohammed Y. Areeshi,Shafiul Haque, 2018
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Reduction Stratagems from Waste Sector in India
Sourabh Manuja, Atul Kumar, Suneel Pandey, 2018
Quantitative analysis of the methane gas emissions from municipal solid waste in India
Chander Kumar Singh, Anand Kumar & Soumendu Shekhar Roy, 2018
GaRiRO: Gradient and residual integrated rank ordering of stations in rainfall monitoring network
Madhuri Kumari, Chander Kumar Singh, 2018
Identification of resource management domain-specific best practices in the agriculture sector for the Mewat region of Haryana, India
Mamta Mehra and Chander Kumar Singh, 2018
Analysis of genetic relatedness among Indian cattle (Bos indicus) using genotyping-by-sequencing markers.
Malik A.A., Sharma R., Ahlawat S., Deb R., Negi M.S. Tripathi S.B., 2018
Vulnerability assessment of urban road network from urban flood
Prasoon Singh, Vinay Shankar Prasad Sinha, Ayushi Vijhani, Neha Pahuja, 2018
Synergistic approaches unraveling regulation and aggregation of intrinsically disordered ?-amyloids implicated in Alzheimer?s disease
Anchala Kumari, Rinky Rajput, Nidhi Shrivastava, Pallavi Somvanshi, Abhinav Grover, 2018
Recent developments and obstacles in the treatment of melanoma with BRAF and MEK inhibitors
Mohd Wahid, Arshad Jawed, Raju K. Mandal, Sajad A. Dar, Naseem Akhter, Pallavi Somvanshi, Farah Khan, Mohtashim Lohani, Mohammed Y. Areeshi, Shafiul , 2018
The hidden cost of development?a review of mental health issues of displaced tribal populations in India
Devika Gupta Prashant Kumar Singh, 2018
Inhibition of C298S mutant of human aldose reductase for antidiabetic applications: Evidence from in silico elementary mode analysis of biological network model.
Khan S, Bhardwaj T, Somvanshi P, Mandal RK, Dar SA, Jawed A, Wahid M, Akhter N, Lohani M, Alouffi S, Haque S., 2018
Assessing gender responsiveness of forest policies in India
Niharika Tyagi, Smriti Das, 2018
Interpreting best available technologies more flexibly: A policy perspective for municipal wastewater management in India and other developing countries
Markus Starkl, Josephine Anthony, Enrique Aymerich, Norbert Brunner, Caroline Chubilleau, Sukanya Das, Makarand M. Ghangrekar, Absar Ahmad Kazmih, Ligy Philip, Anju Singh, 2018
Health risk assessment due to biomass smoke exposure in Indian indoor environment: An empirical approach using lung deposition model
Snehlata Tigala, ?Anu Rani Sharma, ?Kamna Sachdeva, 2018
In silico identification of molecular mimics involved in the pathogenesis of Clostridium botulinum ATCC 3502 strain
Tulika Bhardwaj, Shafiul Haque, ?Pallavi Somvanshi, 2018
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